5 Ways to Help Your Kids Become Familiar with Scripture

As mothers, it goes without saying that we want the best for our kids, and as Christian mothers, we know the importance of embracing God’s Word. This can be tough when our kids may: 

A) not know how to read, 

B) not be interested in reading, 

C) find the Bible difficult to understand,

D) just plain old don’t care. 

So I’m sharing a few small things that may help our young ones become more familiar with the Word.

1. Engaging in Scripture First Thing in the Morning

Without fail, every morning that my children don’t have school, they immediately ask to watch TV.

Every time. Of course, there are mornings that they just get up too dang early and my husband and I need that extra tv time to allow us to rest & slowly start the day.

In all honesty, I didn’t feel good about them being glued to the screen immediately in the morning. I thought, “I know what I need to get me on the right track every day. JESUS.”

So, now, we start the morning with about twenty minutes of individual bible and prayer time before anything else happens. I know age plays a part here, so here are some Bibles/resources I recommend for different ages:

Ages 1-5:

Ages 6-10:

Ages 8-12:

Ages 13+:

I’ve also started reading just one short  Psalm a day to my older girls as they eat breakfast before school and it has been SO fruitful. Wonderful questions and conversations arise after reading each one. They actually enjoy it and remind ME to do it in the midst of our morning chaos!

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2. Teaching Lessons with Scripture

Once I became more familiar with my bible it was like the “teaching moments” with my girls became easier to navigate. 

For example; my pre-teen is in the midst of navigating competition and the fine line between healthy competition and not-so-healthy competition. The verse that came to our minds was; 

“But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” (Matthew 19:3)

With the idea that in the end, who is first in line at school, first done with their test, who got 1st place in the race, does not matter when all is said and done. 

Teaching scripture-based lessons means WE have to read our Bibles. If you are looking for resources to start getting familiar yourself, here are some I recommend:

3. Start Reciting a Verse and have Your Child Finish It

As all girls do, my daughters have gone through periods of time when they struggled with their confidence. They focus on just “fitting in” and being liked, even if that means sacrificing who they are. (Heck, I forget often.) They lose confidence in who God made them.

When I see the lack of confidence sneak in, I’ll start to recite “I am fearfully and…”

They would finish with “wonderfully made!” 

Psalm 139:14: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Me: “By the Grace of God…”

Kids: “I am what I am!” 

1 Corinthians 15:10: “But by the grace of God I am what I am”

I believe, now, these verses will be branded on their hearts. ❤️

4. Watching TV Shows that are Bible-focused

When the kids are too young to read the bible on their own or just plain can’t sit still long enough for you to read a story to them, The Beginner’s Bible series has been a staple in our house. Guilt-free TV as I like to call it. 

Also, if you have teens in the house or you just need a good clean, gospel-driven TV series for yourself, WATCH “THE CHOSEN.” Oh my goodness, by far one of the best shows I’ve seen. Biblically accurate, SO well done, and so fulfilling. This show really humanizes Jesus and His disciples and allows you to connect more deeply to the people mentioned in the Gospels. 

5. Have Verses on Display

We have a chalkboard hanging in the center of our dining/kitchen area. This area gets so much foot traffic – a perfect place to display a verse for the family to read and reflect on as they walk by. I use a chalkboard but you could also use a letter board, whiteboard, anything will do!  A PASSIVE yet effective way to spread the Good News to the kids (as well as guests).

I recommend something you can change, that way you can find the perfect verse for your family in any circumstance.

Need a couple of good options for your home? Here is a good chalkboard and letterboard

These are just a few small steps to getting our young ones more familiar with scripture. I’m hopeful that our amazing God will start planting those seeds, and as they grow they will keep coming back for more. Ahhhh, the thought makes my heart sing! 😊

Thank you for reading. 

xO- Jordyne Faye

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